Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Color of Christmas

As a designer, I have been interested in color theory for quite some time. I remember back in elementary school, our art teacher took little red, blue, and green circles and sent light through each one. It sent their bright colors splashing across the room. She then began making combinations of the three creating all kinds of different colors. It fascinated me that blending two colors could make a completely new color.

Simple. I know. But at that young age, it caught my attention.

Coming into this Christmas season, many colors have grabbed my attention. The bright Reds and Greens... the rich Golds and Ivories... the cold Blues and Silvers. All are connected to Christmas. We see brightly colored wrapping paper, dazzling Christmas ornaments, and soft, white snow. I love this time of year. I love the beautiful colors we see, but I as I look out over all the wonderful sights I am reminded of the true colors of Christmas.

The gnarled, chocolate Brown of the manger that held the Savior that cold winter night. The crisp, Yellow hay that made up His bed. I think of the damp, Gray rocks that made up the cave in which He was born. My mind then wonders from that lowly stable to the deep, Red blood He would shed on Calvary for your sins and mine.

This Christmas I will thank God for giving us His Son so that I could come to Him and see the true colors of Christmas.